- a stay at home mom
- stay at home dad
- working part time parent
- working full time parent who wants to switch careers
- a parent who is eager for new challenges
How many of you out there would find this type of information useful as a book and what specific information if any would you like to see in it? What worries you and what irks you? If you were to buy a book on freelancing from home, what would you expect and want to see in a book like that?
This is really important because I want to address YOUR concerns as a parent so that the book I write is not only very useful and will take you from zero to successful in very little time, but will also provide practical help and advice about raising your children and finding the time.
You can either comment on this post, or you can send your comments to: arfawrites@hotmail.com
Thank you for taking the time to respond, and all comments would be very much appreciated.